Natural Ways to Induce Labor

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Birth is the most innate living process; for labor to get started, the hormonal systems of both mommy and baby send cues that’ll prepare you for the changes about to take place. As you approach your due date- which by the way is an ESTIMATE- many changes take place. The hormone relaxin relaxes your cervix, pelvic ligaments, and connective tissue for greater pelvic flexibility allowing your baby to drop lower into your pelvis; baby gains their last few pounds (unfortunately so do you) and you begin “nesting” behaviors (uncontrollable cleaning, especially at strange hours). Regardless of the obvious signs that birth is approaching, no one knows when labor will actually be initiated. If you are 39-40 weeks (or more) here are some natural ways to help your body bring about labor. Before trying any of these suggestions, consult with your care provider to make sure they are safe for you and any circumstances you may have.

1. Exercise

As my grandmother told me when I was contracting, “let’s walk this baby out!” If contractions start before you enter into labor, walking can definitely help move along the birthing process. Gravity will help bring the baby into the pelvic cavity and the pressure stimulates the cervix. Walking also helps build up your stamina- you will definitely need this during labor! Try at least 30 minutes a day.

2. Sex

Prostaglandin is a hormone that thins the cervix. Sperm contains prostaglandins which is released during orgasm. This irritates the cervix causing induction (if your body is ready). Female orgasm also releases oxytocin, the hormone responsible for contractions.

3. Nipple Stimulation

Rolling the nipples between the fingers, suction with a breast pump, or asking your partner to help will do! This is another oxytocin releaser and can be done throughout each day. Remember, oxytocin causes the uterus to contract; after the baby is born, breastfeeding will also cause the uterus to contract and quickly return to its original size. 

4. Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

Midwives often recommend drinking red raspberry leaf tea as your due date nears. This herb tones and tightens the uterus (aka make it contract). It is also good for our menstrual cycles! This is the main ingredient in over-the-counter teas such as Pregnancy Tea/3rd Trimester tea. (Drink organic when possible).

5. Evening Primrose Oil

Remember when I said mommy and baby’s hormonal systems prepare their bodies? Evening Primrose is a great hormone regulator and in late pregnancy, it can help the cervix dilate. 

6. Acupressure or Acupuncture

Both should be done by a qualified professional. Acupuncture is when you insert thin needles into specific pressure points on the body, and acupressure is the same concept without the needles. Instead, you can use different objects, such as your fingertips to apply pressure. Four-finger-widths above the inner ankle on the calf and the webbing between your thumb and index finger are two points that can help stimulate contractions. This can be done for 30-60 seconds with 1-2 minute breaks in between. 

7. Castor Oil

VERY VERY VERY last resort. Castor oil is a laxative, causing both irritation and stimulation to the intestines. These intestinal contractions can cause the uterus to contract. There’s even a Midwives Brew Recipe you can find online. Take a SMALL amount ( no more than 1 tablespoon).


Safety is a major component of birth. Oftentimes we have to trust our bodies and just allow the body to unfold like a flower. Massages, hot baths and anything that safely brings you EXTREME relaxation.

Donna Smith