What Is a Holistic Fertility Doula?

A Holistic Fertility Doula is a professionally trained person trained to support a woman during her preconception period to help prepare her body for pregnancy. The Holistic Fertility Doula supports natural remedies, recommendations, emotional support, and guidance during this time. A Holistic Fertility Doula is trained to look at varying factors that are prohibiting conception and make the necessary recommendations in specific areas to enhance the chances of fertility. There is no time limit in working with a woman during this period, unlike other aspects of Doula work. Holistic Fertility Doulas are not responsible for pregnancy outcomes.

- National Black Doulas Association ™

A Serene Journey Approach

My approach to fertility coaching involves the healing of the mind, body, and spirit; without these 3 in alignment, it can become harder to conceive.

I will give you the tools you need to reprogram your mind and restore the belief that you can conceive and have a healthy pregnancy. To prepare the body, you will learn how to chart your ovulation to know the best time to achieve pregnancy, understand how food and herbs affect your fertility, and receive a personalized meal plan to help decongest the womb and sperm. Lastly, I will show you how to connect with the spirit of your future baby and provide you with alternative spiritual tools such as crystal and reiki therapy to assist with your spiritual healing.

Fertility Package $333 per month

3-month commitment (Total $999). If you become pregnant before month 3, balances can be transferred to birth doula packages/classes. Months are broken down to focus on mind, body and spiritual preparedness. Pregnancies after month 3 will have 15% off birth doula packages.

  • Month One: One online fertility consultations to discuss your fertility journey (1-1.5 hours).Two workshops designed to help you understand the mind-body connection and how it effects fertility.

  • Reiki sessions to encourage healing (distance Reiki can be offered for virtual sessions)

  • Crystals for fertility kit

  • Month Two Body: Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) Education Class: FAM is a science-based method of family planning. Through the use of observing and charting 3 specific scientifically proven fertility signs, you are able to plan for pregnancy in your own timing. Other benefits of understanding FAM also includes allowing one to detect other gynecological issues and know when true medical interventions are needed.

  • Reiki sessions to encourage healing (distance Reiki can be offered for virtual sessions)

  • Month Three: Nutritional support and counseling; personalized meal plan with herbs and foods that increase fertility list.

    Reiki sessions to encourage healing (distance Reiki can be offered for virtual sessions)

    Each month also includes:

  • Bi-weekly fear and trauma releasing coaching.

  • Weekly Positive pregnancy mindset coaching.

  • Ongoing text, phone, and email support

Let’s Meet! Things are better in person!

I invite you to contact me for a free initial online interview to discuss my services further. Every family has individual needs and desires and as your doula, I want to make sure your plan of care is tailored accordingly. I allot up to 45 mins of time for our meeting; yourself and/or your partner can ask any and all questions. Please provide your information below and I will be in touch shortly.