How Crystals Can Help with Fertility and Pregnancy


I pride myself on being called “The Crystal Doula.” I use crystals for EVERYTHING, and I place them EVERYWHERE. You can find them under my pillows, in the pockets of my robe, the cup holders of my car, inside my purse and on my bookshelves (just to name a few places lol). I fell in love with crystals in 2014 after experiencing their healing power- let’s see if I can make this long story short. For months, I suffered from a sharp achy pain in my tail bone. I went to the chiropractor each week, started yoga, and used an exercise ball instead of a chair at work. None of these activities brought me any relief, so I figured there had to be something else; something that didn’t have a scientific explanation. Next, I googled spiritual reasons for back pain. My mind was blown when I discovered my decrease in income and stress over life after college graduation was blocking the flow of energy in something called my Root Chakra. This sent me on a chakra learning frenzy and that’s when I came across crystal therapy as one of the solutions to my problem. Needless to say, it worked, and now it is my mission to share these beauties with everyone interested in learning more!

Crystal usage can be dated back to more than 6000 years ago! Ancient Egyptian’s would adorn their pharaoh’s crowns with a stone called Lapis Lazuli to help them receive divine knowledge on how to better rule, Native Americans wore turquoise belts to help aid digestion and in the old testament of the bible, the breastplate was adorned with stones such as rubies, sapphire, and agates.  So even though crystals are now a trending topic, they are not new to the scene.

How do crystals work?

It’s important to first understand what energy is and how it works. Let’s start by taking a look at our five senses; light travels to our eyes as waves of energy and it is our eyes’ job to interpret light energy and convert its electromagnetic energy into something we can SEE. Our ears convert vibrations into sound, and our bodies feel the energy of heat or the lack thereof- cold. We are literally walking energy conductors. This is why we can walk into a room and “sense” when things are right/wrong. What you are feeling is…ENERGY!!!! Crystals are known as the bones or skeletons of the Earth who carry their own special energy given to them as they were formed deep within the earth.  Unlike us humans, their energy is relatively stable (thanks to their crystalline structure). Like our 5 senses, a crystal’s job is to convert energy that it is given!

How can crystals help me during my pregnancy journey?

In order for a tool to be useful, you must USE the tool. Furthermore, when you get your crystals, it is important you create a meditation practice or add them to an already existing spiritual practice. You will receive better results when you physically handle the stones instead of simply placing them on a visible counter. Once a week, I lay on my yoga mat and place my crystals directly on my body and around my yoga mat. I listen to my affirmations, breathe deeply, and absorb the energy of my crystals. That’s only one way of doing things, but it is important that you invite the stone or give permission for it to unleash its healing properties. If you don’t have time to lay with your stones for hours like I do, simply holding it in your hand with your eyes closed for 5 mins will do.


There are many stones that help increase fertility, are known to ease pregnancy discomforts, and make labor a shorter and more sacred process. The journey to conception can be emotionally stressful and many of the stones below are known to calm and soothe the emotions. Below is a list of my top seven favorite crystals that I gift to my clients!

·      Aventurine is known to increase luck, encourages pregnancy, and enhances fertility. It promotes optimism and self- confidence, all of which we need to create a positive birthing mindset

·      Malachite is known to ease labor pains, stimulate contractions, and facilitate a safe birth. This is also known as the midwives’ stone and many midwives would place this stone under a laboring person’s bed. I personally carry it to all my births!

·      Moonstone, with its soothing energy, it is known to ease pregnancy discomforts such as fluid retention (swelling), morning sickness, and fatigue. For fertility, it helps regulate your moon/menstrual cycle and boost your sexual energy. It is also said to grant wishes. Thus, if it is a baby you are wishful for then this stone is perfect for you!

·      Onyx, with its pain-relieving/protection energies, it is known to aid in providing stamina throughout pregnancy and labor. It is also said to speed up the birthing process!

·      Red Carnelian is great for balancing womb wellness hormones and keeping all reproductive organs healthy. It balances PMS symptoms and increases libido for those suffering from a lack of sex drive.

·      Rose quartz, with its loving energy, it is known to help to the bond between parents and baby, helps mom/birthing parent love themselves, and calms anxiety. It has also been known to increase fertility and help with sexual dysfunctions.

·      Smokey Quartz helps alleviate depression, increase fertility, and balance hormones.


There are plenty more crystals such as emerald, fluorite, sunstone, tigers’ eye, and unakite jasper that have been known to aid in fertility and pregnancy journeys. Let your intuition guide you in picking what’s best for you. If you are currently pregnant, try asking your baby which stone it wants, call out their names, and see if they respond with a flutter or kick.